Hal Fishman the anchorman on the CW said that one can not condemn a whole culture for something that one has done.
Hal is white and is unable to see that when one from any cultural group except whites, that commit a henious crime, how that effects the rest of the culture. A good example of that was the reaction of black folks when O.J. Simpson was acquited. Even if we believed that O.J. did it or not. We felt some sort of sick relief. Relief maybe because we thought that people would now not think that we were all murderers. We learned that the relief was very short lived.
The American culture has spoiled our communities into thinking that we are all alike and don't need each other. This is why I believe that our brothers and sisters who are lost, confused and possessing blemished souls are lashing out in inhumane forms. We don't take the time to listen to them to guide them through to a path of mental wellness. We dismiss them viciously and effortlessly.
My heart and prayers go out to the families and friends of those killed at Virginia Tech.

Even though I sometimes still have those, "I hope he/she isn't Black" moments, for the most part I don't feel that negative/criminal blacks represent who I am.
The DC Snipers, who were black, certainly didn't.
But yeah, although I agree with Hal Fishman, most white people don't understand why minorities feel tentative about such incidents. White folk have power and privilege so they don't necessarily think about it ie. they are oblivious. Plus, they can changes laws to profile people in a heartbeat.
Tim McVeigh blew up a whole federal building with people inside, but they would never associate it with whites in general. But if muslims fly planes into buildings, Dearborn, Michigan (where lots of muslims live), gets turned inside out.
I don't think, however, that Koreans have anything to worry about with this incident involving Cho.
I agree I don't think that Koreans have anything to worry about either. To be honest that's probably because white america doesn't really see them as a threat in most cases.
I also agree with you in that I don't always associate myself with some crime by a black person. But I will say that I always wish it wasn't a Black person that did it.
Wow, ole Hal is still around? I remember him being on the Channel 5 News when I was a young child and he was as old as dirt back then! Now that is what I call tenure!
Yeah, minority groups usually have to bear the burden when someone in their group commits a crime that garners worldwide attention.
Though Asians probably don't have much to worry about in the long run as far as backlash goes, I do feel for them, being that they are the "hot spot" right now. Before the shootings it was people of middle eastern descent. Before that it was us, black people.
I see the way that people look at Asian people when I am at the gym. The thought of the gunman is fresh in everyone's minds. I wonder if Asians feel the stares the way that we, as black people, feel it, when we are being racially profiled.
I think that an interesting point was brought up in one of the comments. White people did not bear the cross of Tim McVeigh. The media did not spin the story like that. I never thought about like that...
I guess, as a black man, I have been conditioned to think that many (white people)are suspect anyways... and when I say "suspect" I mean that they are protectors of what they feel is theirs and will, in many cases do what they feel they need to do in order to protect it. For example, change legislation, inhabit land that they tricked people out of, and perpetuate wars that they know we have no business continuing.
Just my thoughts. Great post!
All I can really say for the moment is well said. So very well said.
I just found you. Great blog. I will stay away from the WE. But don't you think the relief that SOME black people felt after OJ was more a sense of twisted satisfaction: "Now, they see how it feels." More payback than relief after centuries of whites getting off in the courts for killing blacks in this country?
I don't know who you roll with, but: "We thought that people would now not think that we were all murderers [?]"
I'm from NYC and I have not even once come across that sentiment. Not saying that's not what it was like where you're at. The two prevailing ideas in NYC were that a black man didn't get railroaded this time (he's innocent) or they've been getting away with murder forever (he's guilty), and now they see how it feels. A relief that justice was served (at best)n or a sick revenge (at worst).
Confused by this: "The American culture has spoiled our communities into thinking that we are all alike and don't need each other."
Do you mean: Into thinking that we are all DIFFERENT and don't need each other?
"Our brothers and sisters who are lost, confused and possessing blemished souls are lashing out."
But, I don't think it's because of not being listened to. Listen and talk all they want on Oprah and CNN. Kids get lost because of cycles of poverty and miseducation and unemployment (and then drugs) in a country where being poor is considered almost criminal and you get economically punished for life for not liking school and thrown in jail for smoking pot (which even Jimmy Carter likens to having a beer). Then, try getting a job with a criminal record for smoking pot! or try to establish and raise a family or even pay rent with a nickel and dime job at McDonald's.
Listen yes. But people have to work for change. Getting rid of the Rockefeller laws. Establish respect for ALL work. Yes, even at Dunkin Donuts. Establish a living wage for all. Equal Education for all. (Still a dream.) Then the listening may mean more than it does now. Otherwise, people just keep taking turns being at the bottom. And we all know who the favorites for the bottom are.
Sorry for the rant. It's Saturday.
Again, love what you're doing here.
-A Fan
Writer on Board, thank you for your comments. Too much to respond to here. Sent you an email.
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