Saturday, November 17, 2007

Read This

If you're looking for something to read. Here's a new author with a story that just might touch you and teach you. Rodney Lofton author of The Day I Stopped Being Pretty. This brotha will be visiting Los Angeles in December and I intend to be at his book signing.

Click on his webpage and scroll down to see if any new dates have been added to his tour. If you want him to speak to your group. Simply invite him. You never know it could happen.

At any rate if you decide to pick up Rodney's book I do hope that you enjoy it and it in some way enhances and strengthens you. After checking out his website Tell a friend about his book.


Omar Ramon said...

i'm a bookworm so i'll definitely check him out.
thanx for the love on my video post I really appreciate it.

Arch City Expatriate said...

Thanks for the heads up. Seems like a great self-help/coming of age type book.