Speaking of staring you right in the face. Performer, singer and actress Sherri Lewis , one of the Divas that I forgot to mention tells her story of a new love at the age of 33yo, that one might think would have been lost due to her newly discovered HIV+ status. Her story pulled at your heartstrings. The anticipated still waters of a new relationship happily endured the information of the disease once thought of as a death sentence. The love of Sherri's now husband is ever flowing. Sherri was quite the Diva in a Pink dress and boa. After hearing her story and listening to her sing the only word that comes to mind is inspirational! Read this story on Sherri located on The Body webpage. Here's an interview with Sherri on youtube. It's important that we hear the stories of women with HIV as we don't hear these stories enough.
Thank you Sherri for pulling the coat tail of this aging man!

Norwood Young in cheatah. I don't think they like him on Bossip.com.

I don't know why, but I'm not even sure that I would have noticed the suit if Norwood was there wearing it.
Is it bad that when you said Sherri Lewis, i immediately thought of Lamb Chop.
OMO....I think everybody thinks that tha knows who Lamb Chop is!! LOL
I'm gonna need you to not forget about the diva(o)s
thanks 4 the extra update buddy lol ;)
Thank you for mentioning Sherri Lewis she is certainly noteworthy.
Kim is a hoot, she is to many things and quite possibly a Diva.
Norwood in Cheatah kinda cute in a strange way, love the shoes.
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