Saturday, December 31, 2005


Make this year something important to you!

Happy New Year!






Thursday, December 29, 2005


I was reading Just Ask Trent's blog today(12/29/05) and was inspired to say something. He was spitting out thoughts on

If you like my book, I love you,
If you didn't like it, I love you ...blah blah blah blah blah. Go read his blog if you wanna see it all.

Anyway, I was thinking about how one of my nephews always tells me that he loves me when we hang up the phone.

He taught me to say I love you. I never used to say it to friends, family and saved it for when I truly felt like I was in love with some knuckle head.

I hadn't seen my nephew since he was 7 (the reason babies mama and daddy drama and everybody suffers) and then one day he got in touch with my mother to find out where I was. He called me and was 15years old at the time. That was strange to me as I wondered why he all of a sudden wanted to be in contact with me. Now I wondered but I was extremely happy. I loved this child like he was my own. When he was a baby I would take him everywhere with me. People always thought he was mine cuz he looked so much like me. So being the teenager I was at the time...I sho did tell them he was mine.

Anyway, so he wants to see me. He's now living in a dessert town outside of Los Angeles with his mother, sister (from a different daddy) and some new man his mama is with. Of course I would go see him. I took the hour drive outside of LA through the winding one lane mountains in my tiny little convertible. Not the type of car you should drive through the mountains and desserts. Trust me those big ass trucks almost blew me off the road. Thank God I didn't but my top down or I woulda been looking like I had been dunking for apples in sand.

I spent the day with my nephew and we had a great time. Well now that is was time for me to get back down through the dessert and the mountain at night! We all said our goodbyes. My nephew walked me out to my car and gave me a big hug and said I love you.

I just hugged him harder and didn't say a word. My family never was much on saying I love you. I guess everybody just felt like it was a given and we already knew that we loved each other so what's the point of saying it. ( I know weird ass black families)

My nephew was about to stop all that dumb shit right there. As I let him go from my I love you hug, he said. Well don't you love me? I responded of course I do why would you ask me that?

Well you didn't say it and if you don't say it how will I know. Then this little man began to lecture me on why he wanted me to say that I loved him every time that we spoke.

- What if you get in a car accident going down that mountain.
- What if when I talk to you on the phone one day and something happens and I'm gone forever.
- What if anything happens to any of us.

Don't you want that to be the last thing that we hear from each other?

Well I did say I love you, even though it still felt weird. And continued to say I love you when talking to him and the significance of this whole thing came to pass on the worst week of my life.
2 years ago now my Grandmother was becoming very ill. The doctors didn't know how much longer she had. So we all new that we would be going to a funeral soon, it was just a matter of time.

While on this horrible death watch, I got a call that my brother-in-law collapsed at my other nephews high school football game. He's in the hospital and I need to come home. I drove to see about my sister and nephew and niece. When I arrived at my sisters my niece was crying her eyes out and my nephew closed up in his room. I thought my brother-in-law had passed. I was wrong it was my Grandmother that passed.

I spent a little time with my family before driving 2 hrs back to LA to pack and get a plane to Maryland. Within 2 days I was on my way to the airport. I took a shuttle and as I was getting off of the shuttle to LAX, by cell rang. It was my father telling me that my brother-in-law just passed away 10 mins ago. I would be coming back from my Grandmothers funeral to go to my brother-in-laws.

I don't have many friends where my parents live anylonger as I haven't lived there since High School. However, I did have two very best friends there. I knew one of them would be at my brother-in-laws funeral as they knew him too. Turns out neither of them came. Both would reasons. Mark is a Sheriff (friends since 7th grade) and there was some kind of gang thing going on that he had to be a part of. Rhonda (friends since 10th grade) wasn't feeling well. I spoke to her after the funeral and because of my state of mind I didn't go off on her, eventhough I was disappointed she wasn't there. She told me she had had this flu and her doctor told her she shouldn't go out because it was so bad.

I was concerned about her but was very consumed with death at the time and a little irritated that she nor Mark were around to support me. At the end of our call I told her to feel better. All of a sudden my nephews voice came into my head, "Don't you love me". I then told Rhonda that I loved her. She said she loved me too and would talk to me soon. We hung up.

Two days later I got a phone call that Rhonda had passed away. The first thing that came to my mind was that I was glad that I told her that I loved her.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A Need For Love

Memoirs of a Geisha.

What a beautifully hopeful movie.

It's about emptiness, sadness, loss, dreams, pride and love. If you haven't seen this movie you should.

I am the kind of person who loves to go to the movies alone. I escape in them and am able to live inside of the main character for the duration of the film. This was quite a journey.

If I had to be poetic in my description of this film I would say:

It's the story of a seedling that blooms under circumstances that normally would be detrimental to the growth of a prized flower. Incidences of toxic manure thrown until covering the flower to near emotional death are thwarthed by the nourishment of the sky's tears . The flower does prevail through hardships and darkness to blossom through the tainted manure into the epitomy of it's species.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Strength in Art

Time for a shot of culture.

I ran across the works of this artist while surfing the net about a year ago. His work embodies strength, pride and a regal-ness that we all should morph into our beings. When you see his art work the subjects touch your soul and tell you a story without the need for description. I just wanted to share with you the works of Kadir Nelson. The picture below is called Cotton.

What this piture brings to my mind is this:

I reflect on today.
No matter the labor that YT puts on me, only makes me stronger.
His demands for my body and mind strengthen my character.
It weakens his perception of me as he sits up high on my shoulder.
He only sees me as a way to his means.
If I misstep he will chastise me.
This is where my power lies, knowing I have the ability to cause reaction with a slight stumble.
Dear Lord, guide me on my way.

Below is Kadir Nelson's description:
When faced with unspeakable hardship and struggle, African-Americans have retained a sense of pride, dignity, elegance and strength. In this dramatic work by Kadir Nelson, a southern plantation field slave hoists a wicker basket filled to the brim with cotton over his shoulder, undaunted by the horrible slave existence and painful task of picking cotton forced upon him. From "The African American Series" by Kadir Nelson.

What do you see?

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day

I wrote a few posts ago about Holiday Blues. Yeah I still got them and I did not buy one gift at all. And I'm sooooo glad I didn't. I know this is gonna sound selfish. But Shyt! Enough is enough.

I buy good-ass gifts...and I always get some this year I said I'm not buying nuffin! Yes I said NUFFIN! Every other year I go home for Christmas or Thanksgiving. This year I went to my parents for Thanksgiving. All of my brothers and sisters where there this time. All 6 of us. I had the flu. I would have had hell to pay if I did not take that 2 hour drive to be there. But that's another story.

Anyway back to today's post. I stayed here in LA for Christmas.

When I"m here for the holidays I go to a Girlfriend's house from college. I'm the God Father of her 11 year old daughter. This year Christmas dinner was going to be at her brother's. He lives in Pasadena like the rest of the family. All in beautiful homes. He's a Chiropractor with a spoiled ass 140lb 10 yo fat ass son, that was constantly putting his fat fingers in the Sees candy box. I wanted to scream at his ass, "Get yo fat ass hands outta there and run around the dayum block." Doesn't make sense for a 10 year old to be that dayum fat.

I called my girlfriend to tell her that I didn't think I was going to attend this year. I was honest and told her that I hadn't bought any gifts and felt a little weird about coming over empty handed. She immediately, told me that I better have my ass there and that it was not important whether I had gifts or not.

So anyway dinner was that was my christmas gift. I ended up getting a wine bottle opener. Yes wine bottle opener...not a cork screw. This was one of those fancy dancy ones. Now this woman has known me for about 20 years. (shaddup all you youngins I know yall think I"m old.) In all those years that she's known me she should know better than most people that I don't drink a whole lot of wine. That shyt makes me sleepy. I'm a Jack man dammit!

Oh I did got another gift from my Manager. A $15 gift card to Target. I'm really gonna go on a shopping spree with that one!!

I may sound bitter or ungrateful about all of this but actually I'm not. It just proves to me that this is just a day that people feel forced to buy things for each other that really dont' mean a dayum thing. I'm not bitter because this family has been like a second family to me and during those times when it is not a holiday they still call to see about me and send me cards just to say they are thinking of me.

So you see we may not realize it but we get gifts all year long from the people that we care about. Whether it's a simple thank you card or just a hug when you need it. Those things are much more valuable and long lasting than any gift bought in a rush. I'll give gifts when I feel like it and not because it's the season where all the stores make tons of money.

The gift of love is better than any gift bought with a credit card. I know that was corny but it's true.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Favorite Things

Lots of people have their favorite things in their blogs so I thought I would follow the pattern and post a short list of mine.

What are your favorite things? Let me know.
Listening to someone sing that can really sing and you can tell they are feeling the song.

Coffee Ice Cream and Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Falling asleep with someone I care about.

When someone does something for me just cuz they knew i needed it and without asking me.

Smooth skin
Laughing really hard at a funny movie with friends

My nephews and nieces when I first arrive home who run up to me and give me a big hug..and they're not even little kids anymore

When everyone in the room is comfortable being themselves and everyone is smiling

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Movies to talk about

Brokeback Mountain
I saw Brokeback Mountain tonight. The movie as I'm sure you all know is getting rave reviews. I personally think that it was a romantic movie that will help those that are already tolerable of white homosexuals to continue to be tolerant.

I've heard comments about how this movie will change how people look at same gender loving men. I doubt it..those that have a problem with it are not going to see the movie to see that love between two men can be beautiful and painful all at the same time. A friend of mine Terrence Says feels the reception this movie is getting would not get the same attention if the characters were black. I agree. There would be negative connotations associated to it, that would undoubtedly hinder any value it might have.

I will admit the story was tragic. I felt the most pain for Jack. I liked the movie but I was not driven to great emotional or sexual angst, like I've heard often.

Roll Bounce
I rented Roll Bounce recently as I never caught it at the theater. I enjoyed it. It was a fun walk down memory lane. Yes that's a clue to my age. It was just a fun movie. I do want to say that I have a new favorite actor. When someone asks me who I like I always say Leon. He's just a beautiful black man to me. I have a new beautiful black man that I would love to see more of on film or on my sheets. (Did I say that out loud?)

Well what if I did?!?!? It is Wesley Jonathan. I think he is beautiful. He didn't have a very earthshaking role in the movie, but then again it wasn't an earthshaking movie. I just like him and want to see more of him. Hey can someone write a movie about the trials of a Black Stripper and star him in it please!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Handyman Saga Continues

Lawd a mercie! I know God is trying to tell me something and I believe I have figured it out. He's telling me to landscape yo own dang yard!

Now I know yall gonna think I'm crazy but here goes. I was on A4A (yall know you be on there too.) I just like lookin at the pictures...they too young for me on there. N E way, as I was browsing I ran across this add for this guy whose name I will not publish. (You'll just have to find him yourself.) In his profile he stated that he did landscaping.

See if he is interested in landscaping your vacant lot you call a yard.

I sent him a message and asked him if he was a landscaper for hire. He responded yes he was. I continued with this arduous manner of sending notes through the A4A system. (Why they don't have instant messaging yet is beyond me.) After multiple notes, I gave him my phone number and he said that he would call me the next day after I got off of work to take a look at my yard.

Next day came. No phone call.
Then he emailed me apologizing for not calling and emailed me his phone number to call him to set up a time to meet.
I called and he was extremely apologetic and said that he would definetely come by the next day. I was working from home so I was open to anytime for his visit.

Wellllllllll it was about 11am and I had not heard from him. I gave him a call to see if he might have an estimated time of arrival. 2:30pm was his response since he would be in downtown L.A. before than and could swing by. That was cool with me cuz I get off at 3pm. Finally, I felt as if I would be getting this eye sore taken care of. So I was happy about that.

Ok it is not 1 day later and I have yet to hear from this brotha. Oh yeah this landscaper is a brotha. I try to give back to the community when I can you should too!

So here I am again stood up by a motha f&*kin gardner!

I am now committing to myself that I will do this yard on my own. It'll be just what I want. I won't have to worry about whether I'm being overcharged nor will I have to deal with another unreliable (insert adjective here).

I'll take pictures once it's done.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Some Music

I'm sharing some of the music that I enjoy with you. After my last post I thought I needed to put something positive in the universe. I hope you like the music, click on the pictures for a sample of each of their songs.

Lori Perry - Wrote this Song - This is a Gospel Jazz project. You might remember her sound from being one of the sisters that were background vocals for Anita Baker.

This is Conya Doss. A lot of people have not heard of her take a listen. I think you'll like her...That is if you like good music. You'll get a mini concert on her site. Eric Benet's Hurricane. Not only is he fine with locks or without I still love his voice. I know a

lot of yall ain't feeling him because of the Halle Berry thing. But you know as couples we all have some kinda issues. I'm sure it wasn't easy being Mr Berry. On his site you'll hear my favorite song on this CD. I wanna be loved.

Had to put another pic of him on here.

Christina Aguelira check her out on Herbie Hancock's possibilities CD singing Donnie Hathaway's A Song For You. She's amazing!!! She does not get enough recognition!!!!!

That's all I'll leave you with tonight. I need to get some sleep gotta be up at 4:30am. lawd a mercie! I am not a morning person at all!!!

Oh yeah...If you are looking for bio's on artists. is a good source.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Crystal Meth

Anybody that knows me knows that I am not one to do drugs. I used to smoke a little reefah years ago but stopped when I started getting paranoid more times than not. So with that experience I knew I was never going to do anything harder.

Unfortunately, I have had a few friends that have indeed tried harder drugs. I know many of you also know some folks that have tried some hard drugs and know the effects it has on the individual along with family and friends.

I personally had not really heard much about crystal meth until I saw this Oprah show. Ever since then I have been hearing more and more about it. Then this morning, I got a phone call from someone that told me a very good friend of mine was in the hospital and has crystal meth in this system. This friend lives in another city so I couldn't just drive over there and say what the hell is going on with you. I did however, get the phone number to the hospital he was in and spoke with him this morning. My mind went a million places as I tried to put the million pieces together to see if I had a clue. After looking back over the years, yes there were clues...But I guess I just didn't want to see them and didn't believe that this particular friend could be seduced by drugs. WRONG! I was wrong and now feel responsible.

Anyway, I'm not writing all this to tell you about my friend, I'm writing this to hopefully scare anyone thinking of using strong drugs away from it.

Many people think that they can handle drugs and are too strong to let themselves be controlled by them. I think that's what every person on drugs thinks. At the end of that thinking comes the realization that they can not handle the drugs. That is if they are lucky enough to survive them. Many don't. Yes I mean they DIE.

Here are some real characteristics that one has to look forward to if drugs become something that you begin to enjoy more and more:

1. You don't care about your personal appearance. Yo ass stinks, your not clean, and may develop sores on your face or other areas of your body.

2. Yo ass won't have sh&T! Because of the drugs you will sell or steal all that you can just for that high. Which means you will more than likely loose your place of residence. Have to depend on someone else for a roof who will kick you out after they see what's goin on with you.

3. Silently, your body will deteriorate from the inside. You name it can happen. Anything that humans fear happening to their bodies on the inside can and mostly likely will happen.

4. You will lie about anything and everything.

5. You won't be able to keep a job. Your mind will be on getting high and more drugs. Instead of thinking of the benefits you are afforded by having a job. Meaning, you can't buy food or pay rent/mortgage. (see # 2)

6. You'll hallucinate. Yeah see sh*t that is not really there.

I know you all can think of several other things that happen in this situation, so I'm not going to go on counting all the things that happen due to drugs.

I've seen all of this happen to friends that I love. There is nothing that you can do for them. They have to do it for themselves. Another cliche. Although this is the tuest of all cliches.

Here is a crack head story:

1980 something. I went to visit my ex-lover because someone told me that he was on drugs. We had only been broken up approximately 2 months. I knocked on his apt door and he answered in his thick terry cloth robe and pulled me inside quickly.

As I entered the apartment I noticed that there were dark blankets on all the windows. I asked him about the blankets and he said that that was so that "they" wouldn't be able to see in. Who is "they" I asked. My question caused an agitated reply. You know who the F "they" are. They have been watching me.

I immediately asked him if he was ok. This is when he seemed normal to me again. He said yes I just can't get off of this drug. Naive as I was at the time I told him to just throw the pipes away. I'll just buy or make another one is all he said.

I noticed he was carrying around his bible, clutching it as if it was keeping his feet on the ground. Then he opened his bible and I saw that inside he had several pieces of rock cocaine. Good they're still there he said. Then to my astonishment the hallucinations began. He tried vehemently to get me to see the tiny televisions that were running across the floor. I told him I saw nothing but he grabbed me by the back of my neck forcing my head downward to try to focus me on these tiny televisions that were causing him much grief.

Fast forward to 2005. He's back on drugs. Crystal Meth now. Running down the street away from the police who have infiltrated what one would call his crack house. This police unit was a K-9 unit. Due to his attempt to flee the K-9 was let loose and caught him. The K-9 tore into the flesh of his leg causing him to need medical attention along with his detention.

He was finally released from incarceration and was two weeks later found dead in his owned property due to infection of his wounds.

You see a drug addict will not take care of any wounds if the only concern is getting that same feeling back. That drugged feeling.

See the changes it makes --------->

Friday, December 16, 2005

A little personal info on me.

Yall, I guess I should have put a preface to my previous post. I am not in a relationship with anyone currently except for God. I wish I could tell you that I am but I am not. The story was my attempt at being creative. I guess I did a good job because I have gotten a few emails and phone calls asking me about it.

But alas, I was just flexing my writing muscle. I guess I'm getting a little stronger cuz yall wanted to know who he was. Now if yall know someone out there that has a job, their own place, their own life, and a personality please send him to me. You will be rewarded handsomely.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Even when I saw him my mouth went a little dry. I didn't think I would be able to speak clearly due to the heaviness of my tongue. I found the elusive moisture in my mouth and I was able to get the words out in such a way that he would not perceive my nervousness.

"Let's go out sometime, here's my number."

So we went out, and he was even more beautiful than my memory could color from our last meeting. His skin was bronze and smooth without blemish. His lips, thick and soft in appearance that caused me to stare in anticipation. He asked me if I was ok. I said yes I'm fine I was just thinking about how nice it is to see you again.

I took him to a small quiet Italian place in the gay part of town. He wanted to sit outside since the night was just beginning and there was still some warmth in the air. Since it was early in the evening there weren't many patrons at the restaurant that joined us on our private veranda. We sipped wine and talked about our lives and ambitions as we nourished ourselves.

Words spilled from our mouths as if they were drops of water accumulating into a stopped up sink approaching overflow. Conversation was easy and comfortable with him. The wine we sipped caused us to be more comfortable with one another as we sat close. We continued to talk.

As I felt the breeze blow from his direction I could smell the Carol's Daughter sandalwood & Vanilla body spray that he wore which caused my nostrils to flare slightly. He was intoxicating. As I spoke he looked into my eyes in a way that told me he was feeling me too. In my mind I told myself that this date would not end after completing our dinner.

Just then he said, "So what do you want to do after we finish eating?"

I originally thought that dinner would be it for the night, as my day would begin early the next day. "How about we take a walk by the water and we can talk some more", was my response.
His eyes slighly opened wider, not in astonishment but to refrain himself from being over zealous as he responded, Sure.

There was no water close to the restaurant. We would have to get back into my car and drive to some. I chose the Marina for our walk. It shouldn't be too crowded and we could continue our conversation with little distraction.

30 minutes later we made it to the Marina and got out of the car. We stood close to each other along the dimly lit shore and watched a small number of sailboats with their sails folded to their mask glide through the water. He turned, looked into my eyes, and I put my hands to his waist as I guided him to my body. Once his chest met mine I placed my lips on his for our 1st kiss.

I felt one of my fingers touch the flesh of his waist that was soft and warm. When we released from our kiss we took a moment before speaking again. My mouth was open to the size of a pearl earring. In my mind I could hear the sound ahhhh escaping my lips. In reality nothing came out. This is when I realized that I was open.

Open to possibilities
Open to love
Open to dream
Open to life

Sunday, December 11, 2005


I know I've been away a few days. I've been busy...but I'll be back real soon. I just need a little rest.

So while you're waiting..if you are waiting. I wanted to leave you with this. I have been thinking about and missing The Dance Theater of Harlem sooo much lately. I can remember when I was younger watching The Carol Burnett Show and wanting to be a dancer watching her dancers. I always thought that I could dance just as good as them. There was only one black man in the dance group and I watched him intensely. Altough I didn't think he was that attractive...but he sho could dance.

Then when I first saw The Dance Theater of Harlem, I was overwhelmed!! Plus the black men were PHINE as you know what!!!! DTH is on it's way back. Yall in New York please support them so I'll be able to see them on the West Coast again.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Handyman Where Are You?

I need a Handyman Dammit!!!

Why are Handymen so hard to obtain? If you do find one they never ever have the capacity to tell you how much something is going to cost that day. They always have to get back to you. Ok that might be because they want to check prices of materials etc. But dayum when they do get back to you, usually 2-3 weeks later they come up with some ridiculous azz price!

I want to put blinder's on their azzes so they can only see exactly what I need done and nothing else. I think they look around and then say to themselves, "I'm going to make him wait awhile for my bid. I know he has some money. Then by that time I get back to him 2-3 weeks later, he will be so desparate to get the work done that he'll pay anything that I ask." As Whitney Houston so eloquently put it. "HELL TO THE NAW!"

I wish I had the time to go out and take a Handyman class myself and then just do everything I need on my own. But I be dayum'd if I pay some crazy azz price for a little bit of work. Here's an example of what I mean. My bathrooms are pretty small. They only have a toilet and tub in them. The sink is outside the bathroom. Well I wanted slate tile put up on the walls around the tub instead of just regular tile. Now I bought all the tile and the thnset. Why did this fool come to me talking about $5,000.00. And with a straight face. I'm talking about tiling 75 square feet. Again "HELL TO THE NAW!" So someone reccomended the father of a guy I used to work with years ago. Ok I'll give it a try. So he comes over and gives me a price of $1,000.00. Ok now we cooking with grease. So he gets started on the job and things are looking good so far.

When you have slate in a high moisture area you need to treat it. I wanted it to be treated with High Gloss so it would look like it is always wet. Well I was probably not paying very good attention to his work, cuz I trusted him. And when I mentioned shouldn't you wipe the thnset off of the tile as you go. He said, yeah i'm going to get to that. So I left him alone.

Anyway, he ended up never getting to it so daily I was trying to clean that dayum thinset off. Then to top it off he never came back to finish the edges. Now I know what your saying. You're not supposed to pay them all the money before they finish the job. Well I thought this was an exception since I knew his son. NOT!

I'm not one to cry over spilled milk for long, so I moved on. Anyway, here I am trying to get this thinset off and I did get most of it off...but some did dry on it. Now it's time to treat it. Well that was a task too when you don't really know what you're doing. But I did it! And it does look nice. Not as nice I would have liked but still nice. OH yeah I didn't mention that he broke the corner on one of the tiles and I didn't realize it until I had been cleaning that thinset for days. I wanted it to look rustic but not that dayum rustic.

So where are you reliable, on time and honest handyman? You could be making a lot of money not trying to rip people off because you think they have money. I have a patio that needs some work and some baseboards that need to be put in. Oh hell I'm just going to find the time to take a class and get this done myself. PRAY FOR i don't want my house lookng like a shack!

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Build your dreams!

This world is going through some global changes. Black people it is time we found new avenues of being financially stable. We need to build our own communities and destiny.

If we continue to think that white is right, we will be doomed to become the residents of a new third world country.

Many companies are becoming global if they aren't already. The ones that are all in the process of becoming, as they put it, "Financially Fit". Do you know what that means to you Employees that handle transaction based duties for a company? If you're unsure of what I mean by "transaction based", I mean this: Those of you who update data, process information or are in positions that provide a service to other areas of your company.

Many of these types of jobs are being sent overseas. I'm sure you know of this happening with customer service type jobs. Remember that time you called AT&T and couldn't understand what that girl from Inda was saying to you. Well she wasn't in Los Angeles or New York as an immigrant. She was in her native country. My company has outsourced the following so far:

- Help Desk Activities - Moved to Canada
- Accounts Payable - Moved to Costa Rica - Yes that's Expense Reports, P.O. Processing and more. (I'm sure the credit department is being looked at as well.)
- Human Resource Benefits Moved to Costa Rica - Payroll, Health Insurance, 401k and again more.

Even though they haven't told us I know there will be more outsourcing. Which means those are jobs gone.

Please prepare yourself for changes such as these and build your dreams. As the spaces between the blocks in the picture above indicate that they can be easily moved to different positions, we as African Americans need to ensure that we are not literally left out in the cold. We got to be able to adapt to changes quickly and find new opportunities.

Find your PASSION by looking into the mirror.
Don't take NO for an answer. Keep calling and keep asking questions.

Those things that you thought might make a good business. Investigate them. Yes, it takes time to investigate and sometimes seems a chore because you're not making money from the exercise. However, if you do, you never know, someone might be looking for what you have to offer.

Bounce ideas off of friends, family and even people you don't know. If even one person likes your idea, you can bet that there are hundreds more that do too.

Like Lawerence Fishburn's character in School Daze said at the end of the movie,

"WAKE UP!!!"